Which country consumes the most meat?

Countries that eat the most meat – ranked

1Hong Kong SAR, China419.6
3United States315.5


Is global meat consumption declining?

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calculated that meat consumption declined for the first time in 2019, after decades of steep increases. … Better alternatives are also driving the decline in meat consumption.

How much meat is consumed globally?

Globally, we consume 346.14 million tons of meat every year (2018). In 2030 this number will be 453 million – a 44 percent increase.

What is the most consumed meat in the world 2021?

Chicken meat is the most consumed animal protein by humans in 2021, according to statistics. Every year, the average American consumes 201 pounds of beef. Unsurprisingly, poultry is in high demand, with an estimated eight billion chickens consumed in the United States each year.

Which country has lowest meat consumption?

Bangladesh Bangladesh is the least meat consuming country in the world….Countries Who Consume the Least Meat.

RankCountryMeat Consumed in Kilograms Per Person (Source: FAO of the UN)
4Sri Lanka6.3


Which country eats the most meat 2021?

Today, Argentina eats the most beef and veal, about 39.9 kilograms per person every year….Meat Consumption by Country 2021.

Country2021 Population
United States332,915,073

Why Germany does not allow meat products into the country?

Can I bring food products of animal origin into Germany? Products of animal origin may carry pathogens that cause infectious diseases in animals. There are strict procedures and veterinary controls on the introduction of products of animal origin into the European Union.